Firearm Safety

Deadly Force Checklist

Deadly force may be used only when there is an immediate and unavoidable danger of death or great/grave bodily harm to an innocent person, where no other option exists other than the use of deadly force.

You must be reasonably in immediate fear of death or great/grave bodily harm to yourself or another person.You must be an innocent party.There must be no lesser force that is sufficient or available to stop the threat.You must have no reasonable means of retreat or...


The Importance of Eye Protection and Firearms

The Importance of Eye Protection and Firearms

You should always wear protective equipment when shooting. In fact, eyewear is one of the most essential elements of your gun safety gear. Not only will a 7mm rifle recoil enough to tear your eyebrow off, you’ve also got to keep in mind firearm malfunction that can send shards of metal, gunpowder along with a host of other harmful objects directly into your most important hunting tool: your eyes, causing irreparable damage and in...


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